WWE's Oba Femi Retains NXT North American Title at Heatwave

WWE's Oba Femi ends Wes Lee's hunt for the North American Title at NXT Heatwave

The WWE NXT North American Championship was on the line at NXT Heatwave, but the stakes were even higher for Wes Lee. Lee was not only challenging Oba Femi for the Title, but he was always fighting for his chance to ever contest for it again as if he lost tonight's match, he would no longer be able to challenge for the Title so long as Femi held it. You could tell the stakes were high from the very start, as the intensity never left the match throughout, and as a result, these two superstars delivered one of NXT's best matches of the year. Femi leaned into his power while Lee added new tricks to the playbook to take down the Champ, but unfortunately for Lee, Femi was able to counter those new moves and counter several attacks towards the end, getting the win and ending Lee's quest for the North American Championship.

Speed vs Power

(Photo: WWE)

Lee got some quick kicks in but then got swept and knocked to the mat by Femi. Femi shoved Lee into the corner turnbuckle but Lee stayed aggressive and connected with some big hits to the face. Femi then got rocked again in the corner after getting tied up in the ropes, and Lee went right after the knee and leg of Femi. Femi missed again, but then that power came into play after Lee missed on an attack, and Femi connected with a big forearm to knock the challenger out of the ring.

Lee hit a big dropkick but then Femi tossed Lee in the air like it was nothing and slammed him to the mat. Femi then kicked Lee out of the ring and to the announce table before throwing him under the ring, knocking his head off the steel frame and to the floor. Lee was able to get back in and beat the count, but Femi wasted no time in causing more pain, slamming Lee down on his back and then hitting a spear in the corner.

Femi stepped on Lee put all his weight on Lee's back before stomping on it, and then Femi brought down Lee's back multiple times on his knee. More clubbing blows followed and then Lee hit the turnbuckle at full speed. Lee then got thrown into the other corner and got tied up in the ropes, and Femi went right for him but hit the ring post instead. Lee then kicked Femi's head into the ring post, and then was able to get loose and send Femi over the ropes to the floor.

Back in the Fight

Femi then came right back with a monster chop that knocked Lee to the ring apron. A backbreaker from Femi followed and then Femi stretched Lee's previously injured back once again. Lee got his wind back and knocked Femi to the mat after a series of punches and kicks, finally getting the Champion off balance. Lee followed up with another big attack and a slam to the mat, but Femi was able to kick out of the pin. Lee then dove through the ropes multiple times, stalking Femi until he slammed his head into the announce table.

Back in the ring Lee went up and went for the meteora, but Femi was able to counter, only for Lee to reverse that counter and slam Femi down. Lee then leaped off the top rope and got hit with a huge uppercut from Femi, and then Femi lifted Lee and went up top. Lee fought back and then went for a hurricanrana, but Femi reversed and slammed Leee but then Lee countered. Lee then hit a cardiac kick and went for the pin but Femi kicked out.

Lee then hit a splash but Femi picked him right up, and then both superstars ended up over the ropes. Lee grabbed the ropes and hit the moonsault, but Femi picked him up and spiked him onto the floor with a pile driver. Lee then hit a double stomp to Femi's back and went for the cardiac kick but Femi caught him. Lee ended up on his feet and kicked the Champ, going for the kick one more time but got caught and hurled into the air. Femi hit a huge power slam and that was it, ending Lee's run at the North American Title. 

NXT Heatwave Results

(Photo: WWE)
  • NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (C) def. Wes Lee
  • NXT Championship Fatal 4-Way Match: Trick Williams (C) vs. Je'Von Evans vs. Ethan Page vs. Shawn Spears
  • NXT Women's Championship Match: Roxanne Perez (C) vs. Lola Vice
  • NXT North Women's American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (C) vs. Sol Ruca
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (C) vs. Chase U
  • Karmen Petrovic & Arianna Grace vs. Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx

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